Madi Dee


Pre-PA Mentor

Cell, Molecular, Developmental Biology B.S (22’) | UC Riverside

Hey there! My name is Madi, and I am glad to see you here. ☺️ I grew up in a small town in

sunny Southern California. When I took biology in high school, I fell in love with science and the

human body! I knew I wanted to work in healthcare but was unsure what position was best for

me. After much research, I discovered the profession of physician assistant (PA). Navigating the

pre-PA path was difficult to say the least. I did not have anyone to lean on for guidance for many

years. Once I transferred to UCR from my local community college, I found a community with

like-minded individuals. I had the opportunity to mentor many freshmen, participate in research,

volunteer for various organizations, and lead as the president of the Pre-PA club on campus.

Although I am proud of myself for navigating college alone for many years, it should not be that

way. That is why I am here as a Leading Hands In Health mentor! Being a pre-PA student can

be very challenging yet so rewarding. With passion, dedication, and some help along the way

you will get there in no time. I am excited to help and guide you in any way I can as you

discover what career is best for you! ☺️


Luke Pinti


Carolina Langner