Klaudia Krawczyk
Research Mentor
Biology AS-T at Evergreen Valley College | applying for transfer in Molecular and Cell
Biology | Employed in lab management as an intern.
Being a mentor, I am thrilled to help you overcome obstacles on your educational
journey! I graduated from high school in Poland over a decade ago with a sigh of relief
and lost all hope that I might ever achieve anything in academia. I was not aware at that
point in my life, that I struggle with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Remaining undiagnosed led to depression and anxiety, and the combination of all
paralyzed me from moving my life forward. A few years later I moved to the US, enrolled
in community college, and promised myself it would be different. I learned how to
manage my learning disorder, and better yet, I learned how to learn!
As for my academic and work experience, I currently (still) attend community
college, and I will apply for a transfer to a 4-year institution for Fall 2025. This summer I
interned at a research company specializing in molecular therapeutics, and with gained
experience, I have sought another internship. As of today, I am pursuing a long-term
internship in lab management at a global biotech company. I have a lot of tips on how to
tweak your resume, network, and grab every opportunity that is possible, so you can
pursue your career even before attending university!